Uniphos Detector Tube System

Τo Uniphos Detector Tube System αντιπροσωπεύει την καλύτερη διαθέσιμη τεχνολογία για την ανίχνευση αερίων και μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί σε πολλές εφαρμογές παρακολούθησης αερίου.

Applications:  Confined Spaces, Fumigation, Occupational Safety & Health, Oil & Gas Industry, Petrochemical Plants, Process Control, Research Laboratories

  • Uniphos Gas Detector Tubes
    -Uniphos Gas Detector Tube which is to be used with a sample draw pump provides an easy, quick and accurate method for a direct on the spot measurement of gases and vapours present in air
    -The tubes are highly specific to the target gas
    -Spot check of toxic gas concentration at work place at specified intervals
  • Uniphos Precision Air Sampling Pump
    -ASP-40 is a piston and barrel type vacuum pump
    -It is a light weight and rugged pump with a vacuum indicator to assess the completion of sampling
    -This pump can draw sample air of 50 cc, 100 cc or their multiples
    -It carries a full 5 year warranty and requires only periodic routine maintenance.
  • Uniphos Smoke Tubes
  • Uniphos Charcoal Tubes
  • Uniphos Dosimeter Tubes for Phosphine
  • UNIPHOS Gas Detector Strips