Λογισμικό μετατροπής αρχείων 3D σάρωσης (STL) σε 3D μοντέλα CAD.
Διαθέτει τα παρακάτω απλοποιημένα αλλά αποτελεσματικά εργαλεία ώστε να μπορείτε να μετατρέψετε γρήγορα τα ψηφιοποιημένα δεδομένα σας από έναν τρισδιάστατο σαρωτή σε έτοιμα προς χρήση σχεδιαστικά μοντέλα:
- Scan Data Import
Import scan data from any scanner into QUICKSURFACE Lite saved as STL, OBJ, or PLY mesh files. For long-range scanners, the data can be imported using the PTX file format. QUICKSURFACE allows the user to load any size mesh.
- Mesh editing
Simple-to-use mesh editing tools of QUICKSURFACE allow easily to reduce the size of the data without lose of accuracy, fill holes and remove mesh outliers. Create watertight mesh for 3D printing or for reverse engineering.
- De-feature
With QUICKSURFACE Lite you can remove stamps, markers or other features. Simply select and ‘de-feature’ with a single button click.
- Primitives extraction
Quickly reconstruct planes, cylinders, cones, and spheres. Additionally, create reference geometries like lines and points for use in aligning meshes to the world coordinate system or to other scans.
- Fit surface
Select the area of interest and let the software approximate the selection with a free-form surface. The resulting surface is extended to make it suitable for trimming. The real-time deviation colour map instantly displays the quality of the surface.
- Object align
Position the object into the world coordinate system using the extracted primitives. The interactive definition of the coordinate system allows the user to adjust the correct orientation of the object.
- N-points alignment
Align multiple scan data to each other or scan data to imported CAD model. Simply pick 3 or more corresponding points and get the objects aligned.
- 3D sketching
Draw free form curves directly on the reference mesh. Create blend curves and prepare for further use with fill surface, free form from 3D sketch or any other CAD surfacing operation.
- Basic Autosurface
Quickly create surfaces on organic shapes with just the click of a button. No user interaction is required. The surface quality is G2 everywhere and G1 at extraordinary points.
- Free Form Modelling
The Quad surface feature empowers users to reconstruct free-form surfaces, a capability not achievable through standard surfacing methods. Our proprietary snap-to-mesh technology enables even non-professionals to effortlessly create shapes, a unique feature not found in any other solutions.
- Deviation analyser
Manage the precision of your reconstruction using the efficient distance colour map. Compare the CAD model with the reference mesh at any stage of your process.
- Deviation analyser
Manage the precision of your reconstruction using the efficient distance colour map. Compare the CAD model with the reference mesh at any stage of your process