Reverse Engineering

There are several reasons why Reverse Design could apply to an industrial unit.Indicatively some are:• Need to obtain the CAD data of the original design of the object

  • Design a new piece in order to fit an existing one
  • Optimize the performance of a piece
  • Update / upgrade the CAD drawings of the tools to work with the new production requirements
  • Redesign of a piece without construction defects
  • Modernization of the production processWhatever the reason why you are interested in Reverse Design, QControl can offer you its services reliably and accurately. Unfortunately, with traditional instruments such as e.g. thickness gauges, micrometers the reverse design of a piece is very difficult or even impossible and of course it becomes even more difficult when the surfaces of the unknown piece become even more complex.

Reverse engineering that uses 3D scan data from a CMM is the most reliable & efficient way to create a CAD model from a physical object, whether complex or free. Our company offers Reverse Engineering services using CMM Coordinate Measuring Machines of the following technologies:
1. Laser Scanning Technology (Laser Scanning) with Portable Arm Type Measuring Machine
2. Touch Trigger Probing technology with Fixed Bridge type Measuring Machine In QControl, we aim at the most reliable reproduction of a test and based on this reasoning we choose the equipment we will use.

An extensive study is initially made on the particular elements of the essay such as:

  • Size
  • Structure
  • Mode
  • Peculiarity of form (free and / or prismatic)
  • Required accuracy

Based on the above, and after discussion with the customer, it is decided whether the Laser Scan technology or the Physical Contact technology with the piece will be used for the specific copy application.

Ι. Laser Scanning Technology (Laser Scanning)

Since the invention of the Laser by Schawlow and Townes in 1958, the use of Laser Scanner technology for reverse design is the most modern and is constantly evolving.

3D Laser Scanning technology is a non-destructive technology that digitally “captures” the shape of natural objects using a laser light beam. In essence, using a laser scanner built into an arm (or CMM), a laser beam scans the workpiece to record the position at 750,000 points / second.
From the data collected by 3D laser scanners, from the surface of the object, they create “point clouds”.

Scanning using a 3D laser scanner is ideal for measuring and inspecting surfaces and complex geometries that would otherwise require huge amounts of data to accurately describe and this would not be practical using traditional measurement methods or a CMM touch sensor. Laser scanning is characterized by high speed but also limited accuracy.
Indicative examples are laser scanning has a special application and spectacular results in the following cases:

Free-form surfaces, such as e.g. Statues, Packaging Items, Car Bumpers & Spoilers etc.
Very thin and soft surfaces such as e.g. chair seat, soft plastic pieces, not measured by contact

ΙΙ. Touch Trigger Probing Technology with Fixed Bridge Type Measuring Machine

In short, we would say that fixed measuring machines collect the X, Y, Z points coordinates with great accuracy, but unlike Laser Scanner technology, the data acquisition time is longer.

In addition to the dimensions and elements of the measured geometric elements, information is given that indicates the relationships between them such as angles, distances, etc.

Regardless of which point coordinate acquisition technology was chosen, the collected data is transferred to a software where geometric shapes are processed and synthesized using appropriate measurement algorithms.

Then the user is now able to use the geometric shapes for:

– Reverse Design, Reverse Engineering:

• Manage the ASCII point cloud
• Create and manage surfaces consisting of a series of triangles (STL files)
• Create a solid model for editing and development in any CAD software. (IGES, STEP files)

-Quality Control:
• Compare the measured points with the original CAD file of the piece so that it can see any deviations that may be due to construction errors, wear or other reason.

3D scanning is not “just a push of a button” as shown in several videos on Youtube. The most critical step in the reverse engineering process (and not shown on Youtube) is the modeling performed by experienced application engineers.
Therefore, the reverse engineering process is a much more complex task and depends a lot on the skill and know-how of the engineers who collect and process the points to create the necessary surfaces. The better the engineers, the better the results.
Whether it is a fast surface model or a fully parametric file, QControl has a solution that suits you. Our engineers have experience with a wide variety of CAD packages and will deliver files to you in any format you need.

These services can be offered either on site at the place where the piece is to be copied or by sending the piece to the headquarters of our company.
At QControl, with our 20 years of technical experience and sales approaching approximately 100 Coordinate Measuring Machines, you are sure to work with some of the best engineers in Greece. The accuracy of the Measuring Machines we use but also our experience in 3D scanning and modeling guarantees the results you need.

Η τρισδιάστατη σάρωση δεν είναι «απλώς πατώ ένα κουμπί» όπως έτσι φαίνεται σε αρκετά video στο Youtube. Το πιο κρίσιμο βήμα στην αντίστροφη μηχανολογική διαδικασία (και δεν φαίνεται στο Youtube) είναι η μοντελοποίηση που εκτελείται από έμπειρους μηχανικούς εφαρμογών.

Συνεπώς, η διαδικασία αντίστροφης μηχανικής είναι μια αρκετά πιο σύνθετη εργασία και εξαρτάται πολύ από την ικανότητα και την τεχνογνωσία των μηχανικών που συλλέγουν αλλά και που επεξεργάζονται τα σημεία για να δημιουργήσουν τις απαραίτητες επιφάνειες. Όσο καλύτεροι οι μηχανικοί, τόσο καλύτερα τα αποτελέσματα.
Είτε πρόκειται για ένα γρήγορο μοντέλο επιφάνειας είτε για ένα πλήρως παραμετρικό αρχείο, η QControl έχει μια λύση που σας ταιριάζει. Οι μηχανικοί μας έχουν εμπειρία με μεγάλη ποικιλία πακέτων CAD και θα σας παραδώσουν αρχεία σε οποιαδήποτε μορφή χρειάζεστε.

Οι υπηρεσίες αυτές μπορούν να προσφερθούν είτε επιτόπια στον χώρο που βρίσκεται το τεμάχιο προς αντιγραφή είτε με την αποστολή του τεμαχίου στην έδρα της εταιρεία μας.
Στην QControl, με τα 20 χρόνια τεχνικής μας εμπειρίας και με πωλήσεις περίπου που αγγίζουν τις 100 Μετρητικές Μηχανές Συντεταγμένων είστε σίγουροι ότι συνεργάζεστε με μερικούς από τους καλύτερους μηχανικούς της Ελλάδας. Η ακρίβεια των Μετρητικών Μηχανών που χρησιμοποιούμε αλλά και η εμπειρία μας  στην τρισδιάστατη σάρωση και μοντελοποίηση εγγυάται τα αποτελέσματα που χρειάζεστε.